Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world. More than 5.4 million cases are diagnosed each year, and up to 65, 161 people die every year from the disease. Torrance skin cancer exams should be an important part of everyone’s health care considerations. Since your chances of developing skin cancer are significantly less with proper education, behavior changes, and early detection, a skin cancer exam by a dermatologist is the best way to protect your health.
Torrance skin cancer exams are just one way that you can be proactive about your health. Although everyone is at risk for skin cancer, those who have the major risk factors should be especially cautious. Sun exposure, both artificial and natural, is one major risk factor associated with skin cancer. Tanning beds are especially harmful, thanks to the powerful UV rays that they put out. In fact, medical experts report that indoor tanning bed users are 74% more likely to develop melanoma than those who have avoided indoor tanning.
Sun exposure, family history of cancer, and age can all increase your likelihood of developing skin cancer. Regular exams of your skin by a dermatologist can help to catch problem areas quickly before they develop into something more dangerous. During a skin cancer exam, the doctor will examine any moles and freckles, looking for darker colors and spots that are not asymmetrical, as these attributes can be related to skin cancer. If there are any questionable areas found, the doctor may perform a small biopsy and order further tests to determine if the cells are cancerous.
With early detection and proper treatment, precancerous cells and even cancerous cells can be treated effectively and safely. If cancerous cells aren’t treated or removed early enough, they can spread throughout the body and its organs, making cancer much harder to treat. As with any other type of cancer, early detection with regular exams is the best way to avoid cases of skin cancer in your family. Whether you have the risk factors associated with the disease, or simply want to play it safe, skin cancer screenings are a great way to protect your health.

Jennifer Reid, a dedicated fashion enthusiast, weaves together the latest trends and timeless style in her articles, offering readers an insightful and captivating journey through the ever-evolving world of fashion. Join Jennifer in exploring the transformative power of fashion and let her be your trusted source for all things chic and trendy.
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