Well, my fellow Beauty Buzzers, summer is almost upon us and we are all starting to gear up for that great warm weather!! This of course means, getting those new summer fashions and getting ready for swimsuit season!! I know that those are three words that strike fear into the hearts of many, myself included.
But, with the great new styles that are coming out for swimsuits, you should be able to find a style to fit and suit every body type.
Hopefully, I can help to give you some pointers on swimsuits and help you to accentuate the areas you want to show off.
Now, whether you believe it or not, everyone has a great feature. Maybe it’s a small waist or a toned back. Instead of trying to hide your figure flaws, accentuate the area of your body that you enjoy the most. Or you can find a suit that will do both.
If you have a small bust, try and find a suit that has a pattern at the top, or ruffles. A suit that has a design or pattern on the upper half helps to draw the eye upward. Victoria’s Secret makes a line of swimsuits with their Miracle Bra shape to help emphasize the bust line.
Now if you have a large bust, try and find a suit that has a high neckline. Or one that is a halter style. Not only will this give you ample coverage, but it will also provide support. You want to find a suit that has good inner support. Especially if you plan on swimming or participating in other activities. And many companies are now making fashionable swimsuits for those of you who do have a large bust.
I know one problem that a lot of women have is no waistline. They have a very straight figure or boyish figure. There are a lot of things you can do to accentuate or create the illusion of a waistline. Wearing a suit that has a decorative belt helps to create that illusion. Also, one that has a pattern at the waist will do the same thing. Many one-piece suits have mesh inserts at the waist area and this will also help. You want a pattern that draws the eye inward. Avoid suits that have a design or pattern that stops right at the waistline. It will “cut you in half” so to speak, and do the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve.
If you need extra tummy control, many suits have built-in control in the suit. Look for a suit with a sheared material if you can’t find one with built-in tummy control.
If you have larger hips and/or bottom, find a suit that is darker on the bottom. Now, everyone has a different opinion as to what looks better on someone who is pear-shaped. Some people say, wear a suit with boy cut legs, others say wear a higher cut leg. I think this is up to the individual’s body shape. I have seen both styles of suit on women with the same body shape, yet they look different. You just have to try on and get the honest opinion of a friend, companion, or sales associate. Remember to avoid a suit with horizontal stripes on the bottom half. These only make you appear larger. Try to wear a suit that is a solid color on the bottom or has a dark color on the outer half of the hips and thighs. If you still feel uncomfortable in a suit, many companies now make sarongs that are meant to be worn in the water to give you a little bit of extra coverage and still appear fashionable. And you won’t feel like you’re wearing your Grandma’s swimsuit.
Now to help you show off those great body parts, here are some tips for looking for the perfect suit!
To show off a well-toned back and shoulders, try and find a suit that has a low cut back and/or has several fine straps that crisscross in the back. Halter-style suits also look wonderful, whether you wear a bikini or a one-piece. Also, one-shoulder styles look very flattering, or strapless styles.
To show off a tiny waistline, look for a suit that has a lot of detailing at or on the waistline area. Suits with a scoop front or v-cut front also look great. Many one-piece suits have a lot of detailing at the waistline, specifically ones with cutouts.
To show off tiny hips, look for a suit that sits very low. Also, a scoop bottom looks nice, as do the string bikinis. Boy-cut bottoms can also be very flattering and maybe even add some shape to the hips if you feel yours are too narrow.
There are swimsuits out there for every body shape and type imaginable. Yes, it may take a little bit of looking, but it will be well worth it if you find the perfect suit for you. Hit the stores now though, suits go fast this time of the year. And remember, no matter what style of suit you like, don’t buy it unless it makes you feel great in it. When wearing a suit, the greatest asset to show off is self-confidence!!!

Jennifer Reid, a dedicated fashion enthusiast, weaves together the latest trends and timeless style in her articles, offering readers an insightful and captivating journey through the ever-evolving world of fashion. Join Jennifer in exploring the transformative power of fashion and let her be your trusted source for all things chic and trendy.
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